Wbez chicago gay bars

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But don’t think for a second that makes the place feel pretentious - everyone is welcome at Big Chicks and everybody has a good time. The walls are plastered with the owner’s personal collection of paintings and photos, including big names like Diane Arbus. This lively and colorful spot is part LGBTQ hangout, part art gallery. Don’t miss the live entertainment, like karaoke nights, Silky Soul Sundays, and a lively dance floor featuring everything from pop to house music. The South Shore staple is also one of Chicago’s first black-owned gay bars, making it all the more meaningful for the spot’s many regulars. One of the city’s oldest gay bars, Jeffery Pub is a neighborhood institution. And each comes with their own unique history and vibe.Ĭheck out some of the best gay bars and clubs to experience Chicago’s LGBTQ+ nightlife scene. Our gay and lesbian bars have a little bit of something for everyone, with late-night lounges, dance clubs, burlesque and drag shows, and long-standing neighborhood watering holes in almost every corner of the city. Chicago’s nightlife is a lot like the city itself - inclusive, diverse, and welcoming to all.

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