Gay pride parade florida truck

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Trantalis, who is Fort Lauderdale’s first openly gay mayor, initially told reporters the act was deliberate, adding to the confusion on Saturday night. The police department did not immediately respond to additional questions about the investigation on Sunday. To my knowledge, this was not an attack on the LGBTQ community,” president Justin Knight said in a statement on Sunday, calling it “an unfortunate accident”.įort Lauderdale police detective Ali Adamson told reporters on Saturday that authorities were investigating all possibilities from the collision.

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“Our fellow Chorus members were those injured and the driver is also a part of the Chorus family. The driver and the victims were a part of the Fort Lauderdale Gay Men’s Chorus family, a small 25-member group of mostly older men. “The early investigation now indicates it looks like it was a tragic accident, but nobody’s saying finally what it is,” Rolli told the Associated Press in a phone interview. The driver was taken into custody, but it was unclear whether he had been charged.

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The Wilton Manors vice-mayor, Paul Rolli, and the Fort Lauderdale mayor, Dean Trantalis, said the early investigation shows it was an accident.

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